Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


The interaction of the Higgs boson with the heaviest particle of the Standard Model—the top quark—seems promising for the search for new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). This interaction is determined by the Yukawa coupling constant. Its complex phase remains unknown to date but can be defined by studying the process of the Higgs boson production in association with a single top quark.
A new interferometer for measuring tilt angles is presented. The physical properties of the interferometer and its possible application in physical experiments are determined. A prototype of a precision laser inclinometer based on the interferometer is created. Test data of the interferometric inclinometer are given.
An overview of the available data on the intrinsic energy resolution of organic scintillators will be presented. It is shown that in the energy range of 50 keV–4 MeV, the contribution of the intrinsic resolution to the full width of the scintillation line falls as 1/E for all data sets and is about 1.5% for electrons with the energy of 1 MeV.
At the seminar the results of a Monte Carlo study of the limiting parameters of a composite scintillator for thermal neutron detection will be presented.
The LEGEND experiment searches for the neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay of 76Ge using isotopically-enriched high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors with the ultimate discovery sensitivity beyond a half-life of $10^{28}$ years.
Space-time approach to quantum-field processes is necessary for describing particle collisions at large impact parameters, effects of near-field and pre-wave zones of radiation, neutrino oscillations, processes with non-Gaussian packets, for example, twisted particles, etc. Macroscopic QED in the medium is usually formulated in the momentum representation, and information about process dynamics in space-time turns out to be unavailable.
The LINAC-200 linear accelerator (the first stage of the LINAC-800 facility) at the DLNP JINR is a facility designed to provide electron test beams to carry out particle detectors R&D; for scientific and methodological work on the search for advanced methods and the creation of equipment for electron beam diagnostics; for applied research in the field of radiation material science, radiobiology and radiochemistry; for conducting experiments in the field of nuclear physics; and for educational projects.
The instability of the laser power, laser beam fluctuation and noise of the DAQ electronics limit the accuracy of a compact precision laser inclinometer when registering low-frequency physical signals.
Research into the short-range nucleon-nucleon and nucleon-nucleus interactions conducted by staff members at the JINR Laboratory of Nuclear Problems is discussed.
Twisted beams of charged particles nowadays have important applications, especially thanks to their giant magnetic moments. After penetration from the vacuum to a solenoid, a charged particle moves along a helix. Quantum-mechanical and classical descriptions of this motion differ.
The results of the analysis of the data on the counting rate of gamma quanta from natural radioactivity at the Large Volume Detector (LVD, Gran Sasso) are presented. Seasonal/annual variations of gamma quanta with a maximum at the end of August have been found. Using the epoch folding method, lunar-monthly, weekly and daily variations in the gamma counting rate were obtained.
The Mainz Microtron MAMI and the electron accelerator ELSA in Bonn are the main world facilities for investigations of meson photoproduction reactions on nucleons. In recent years, the facilities have been updated by a frozen spin target designed in DLNP JINR. It allows significantly expanding the set of experimentally measured polarization observables. The report gives an overview of recent experiments at MAMI and ELSA with the Dubna-Mainz frozen spin target. Future plans are also presented.