Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Aleksei Nikolaevich Trifonov "LINAC-200 linear accelerator: a new basic facility of DLNP JINR for research with electron beams"

The LINAC-200 linear accelerator (the first stage of the LINAC-800 facility) at the DLNP JINR is a facility designed to provide electron test beams to carry out particle detectors R&D; for scientific and methodological work on the search for advanced methods and the creation of equipment for electron beam diagnostics; for applied research in the field of radiation material science, radiobiology and radiochemistry; for conducting experiments in the field of nuclear physics; and for educational projects.

The facility is based on the reconstructed MEA accelerator used at the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics (NIKHEF). The key subsystems of the accelerator have been redesigned or deeply modernized. The project to create a test zone for research at LINAC-200 is actively developing. After the accelerator is put into commissioning mode, it will be possible to perform research on electron beams with energies in the range of 5–200 MeV and pulsed current from several electrons in a bunch up to 80 mA.

The report presents the history of the accelerator development, an overview of its main systems, and beam characteristics on the available channels.

Link to watch the video on the JINR resource: