Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Vladimir Ivanovich Komarov “Research into short-range nucleon-nucleon and nucleon-nucleus interactions”

Research into the short-range nucleon-nucleon and nucleon-nucleus interactions conducted by staff members at the JINR Laboratory of Nuclear Problems is discussed.

Starting from the experiments headed by M. G. Meshcheryakov of 1955–57 up to the research on proton-pair knockout in 1972–79, measurements were performed at the JINR synchrocyclotron. Then in 1998–2013 DLNP staff members within the ANKE collaboration conducted research in this direction at the COSY (Juelich) synchrotron. After the completion of the experiments in 2023, the research was moved to considering opportunities for studying short-range nucleon-nucleon interactions in inelastic central collisions at the NICA complex.