Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


On 29 October 2021, Aleksandr Demidovich Konin passed away, one of the eldest JINR researchers, adviser to the Directorate of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, researcher of the Experimental Department of Multiple Hadronic Processes. Aleksandr Demidovich was born on 2 November 1926 in the Dubrovka village of the Yurla region of the Komi-Permyak autonomous district. In January 1944, he was enlisted into the army and participated in combat operations in the Far East.  
The JINR Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) announces the 2022 JINR Grant Competition for Early-Career Scientists and Specialists. JINR young scientists and specialists, skilled workers of the JINR laboratories and budget subdivisions, aged 35 inclusive as of 31 December 2021, are invited. You can get more information about the competition procedure and terms in the JINR Grant Regulations on the AYSS website.  
We continue the series of interviews with the researchers from the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems who won the grants of the 2021 JINR Competition for early-career scientists and specialists. Our interviewee is Ivan Gorodnov, a leading engineer of the DLNP Sector of Low Temperatures.
On 27 October 2021, at the session of the DLNP Dissertation Council, Dmitry Alekseevich Tsirkov defended the dissertation “The pp → {pp}s π0 and pp → {pp}s γ reactions with the production of the 1S0 diproton at intermediate energies of 0.35−0.8 GeV” for the degree of the Candidate of Physics and Mathematics in Specialty 01.04.16: nuclear and particle physics. Our congratulations to Dmitry on the successful defence of the candidate dissertation! We wish him further success and bright ideas, scientific achievements and right solutions!
The book “How spaghetti is breaking and other problems of physics” authored by the senior researcher of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Igor Ivanov is in print at the Alpina publishing house. The book is published in collaboration with the “Elementy”, an educational popular-science project. The book’s structure mirrors that of the “Problems” section of the “Elementy” website: “Problem Situation”, “Statement of a Problem”, “Prompting”, “Solution” and the most crucial point, the “Afterword”, where problem solving by scientists is given. For whom is this book? “I would like heartily to recommend everyone to dive into its marvelous atmosphere. To your surprise, you will find out that knowledge gained at school and native wit are quite enough to make out problems of contemporary science,” advises the Deputy Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Dmitry Naumov.
On 19 October 2021, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) test launch with pilot proton beams was performed after the almost three-year upgrade. Two-week tests are scheduled, as well as the first low-energy collisions. Afterwards, the facility will be shut down again for maintenance from 1 November till 21 February. The first stable beams of Run 3 are expected at the very beginning of next May.
Soon, the submission of applications for the 2022 JINR grants for young scientists is due to start. The DLNP Group of Scientific Communication goes on talking to early-career specialists who received the 2021 JINR grants. We are talking to Alexander Antoshkin, an assistant researcher of the Sector of Accelerator Neutrinos of the DLNP Experimental Department of Particle Physics.
At the end of October, the next competition to receive the 2022 JINR grants for early-career scientists is to be announced. The competition is aimed at encouraging and supporting highly skilled and motivated young JINR researchers and at promoting the scientific, socioeconomic development of the Institute. Soon, the submission of applications will start. The DLNP Group of Scientific Communication talked to early-career specialists who received the 2021 JINR grants. We asked about their research interests, preliminary results of the work performed on the grant basis and their plans. Our first guest is Konstantin Treskov, an assistant researcher of the Sector of Reactor Neutrinos of the DLNP Experimental Department of Particle Physics.
On 18 October 2021, the marathon “JINR visiting Dubna schools” took place at Lyceum 6. The marathon was initiated by the JINR University Centre within the Year of Science and Technology in the RF. JINR scientists talked with schoolchildren about the scientific achievements of the Institute, demonstrated physics and chemistry experiments. Nikolay Anfimov, the head of the Sector of Experimental Methodology of the EDPP at the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems gave to senior students a talk about the main research directions of each laboratory of the Institute.  
The visit of the delegation of scientists from ITMO University headed by the Rector Vladimir Vasilyev has been concluded. Prospects for scientific and educational cooperation between ITMO University and JINR were discussed.
On 20 October 2021, at the session of the DLNP Dissertation Council, Igor Igorevich Denisenko defended the dissertation “Spectroscopy of light hadrons and search for exotic states in the J/ψ → K+K−π0 decay and in radiative decays of J/ψ into two pseudoscalars” for the degree of the Candidate of Physics and Mathematics in Specialty 01.04.16: nuclear and particle physics. Our congratulations to Igor on the successful defence of the candidate dissertation! We wish him further scientific achievements!
On 19 October 2021, at 15:46, a milestone event for the ATLAS collaboration happened after an almost three-year upgrade break ― the first collision events between proton beams and collimators were recorded during the planned testing of the detector and the accelerator in preparation for the 2022 restart.