By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 November 2017 No. 531, Academician V.A. Matveev, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, is awarded the Order “For Services to the Fatherland” III degree for the great contribution to the development of science, education, and training of skilled specialists and many-year dedicated work.
The Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems congratulates Viktor Anantolyevich on being awarded this high state order and the rank of Officer of the French National Order of Merit!
The Order “For Services to the Fatherland” is a state decoration of the Russian Federation awarded for outstanding contributions to the state associated with the strengthening of Russian statehood, social and economic development of the state, advances in culture and arts, sports, peace, friendship and cooperation between nations, and for contributions to the defence of the state. Itsmottois “Benefit, Honour, Glory”.
The insignia of the Officer of the National Order of Merit was conferred on V.A. Matveev in the French Embassy of France in Moscow on 31 October 2017. The National Order of Merit was established by the Decree of the President of France General Ch. de Gaulle of 3 December 1963 and replaced numerous ministerial orders of merit. It can be awarded to French citizens as well as foreign nationals for distinguished civilian and military merits. The order has five classes: Grand Cross, Grand Officer, Commander, Officer, and Knight.
October 31, 2017 marks the 60th birthday of Prof. V.A. Bednyakov, Director of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), coordinator of JINR participation in the physics programme at ATLAS, and author of a number of popular-science articles.
Scientific interests of V.A. Bednyakov are quite wide, embracing elementary particle physics and physics of neutrinos and rare processes, where he carries out successful studies. One of his main research topics is detection of dark mater particles in laboratory experiments. Together with S.G. Kovalenko, he actually laid down a theoretical basis for these researches at JINR. Now he is a leading expert in this field in Russia. Another important line of his research is the search for manifestations of physical phenomena beyond the Standard Model that may allow observing supersymmetry both at extremely high collider energies and in low-energy processes and astrophysics. In 1999, on the basis of the works in those two fields, V.A. Bednyakov defended his doctoral dissertation “Investigation of a possibility of observing supersymmetry in rare processes in cosmology”. His works on detection of galactic dark matter particles on the Earth and in space are widely known not only in Russia but also in the world.
On 19 October 2017, at the session of the Dissertation Council of the Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) D.V. Naumov, DLNP Deputy Director, defended the dissertation “Measurement of θ₁₃, Δm²₃₂ and covariant quantum-field theory of neutrino oscillations” for getting the degree of the Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics.
We congratulate Dmitry Vadimovich on the successful defence of the dissertation and wish him further success and creative achievements in his scientific and educational activity!
On 31 October 2017 the international astrophysical community celebrates the first-ever Dark Matter Day. On this day popular-science events devoted to dark matter will be held for the public all over the world. The international particle physics collaboration launched Dark Matter Day to raise awareness about attempts being made to solve one of the most intriguing mysteries of the Universe.
In Dubna, the Dark Matter Day event will be held at the Blokhnitsev Universal Library on 31 October 2017 at 18:30, beginning with a lecture “Don’t fear the unknown. What do we know about dark matter in the Universe?” to be delivered by the DLNP Deputy Director D.V. Naumov.
Experiments carried out by DLNP allow answers to be given to a number of fundamental questions in physics, including the nature of galactic dark matter. Understanding the nature of dark matter would help explain the origin, evolution, and structure of the Universe. Search for dark matter in the farthest reaches of the Universe and on scales smaller than atoms is one of the burning topics in today’s physics, and everything that we will learn about dark matter will be the discovery of the century.
First Prize
“Precision measurement of the mixing angle ?13 and mass splitting ∆??2? and the first investigation of neutrino coherence in the Daya Bay experiment”
Authors: M.O. Gonchar, Yu.A. Gornushkin, M.A. Dolgareva, D.V. Naumov, E.A. Naumova, D. Taichenachev, A.V. Chukanov, K.A. Treskov, A.G. Olshevsky, and I.B. Nemchenok.
Second Prize
“Search for new physics in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC”
Authors: V.A. Bednyakov, I.V. Eletskikh, M.V. Chizhov, and E.V. Khramov
Second Prize
“Preparation and performance of neutrino oscillation measurements in the NOvA experiment”
Authors: N.V. Anfimov, A.I. Antoshkin, N.A. Balashov, A.E. Bolshakova, I.D. Kakorin, L.D. Kolupaeva, C.T. Kullenberg, V.A. Naumov, A.G. Olshevsky, O.N. Petrova, O.B. Samoilov, A.S. Sheshukov, and A.P. Sotnikov
The first Micromegas readout panel for the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer upgrade has been successfuly assembled at the JINR production site. The production site has been set up specially for this work in the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems and comprises a clean room and assembly equipment. The Micromegas technology allows to construct the advanced micropattern gaseous particle detectors. This technology did not exist at JINR until now.
JINR takes part in the mass production of Micromegas chambers to construct New Small Wheels of the ATLAS detector in scope of the ATLAS upgrade for the High Luminosity LHC run. NSW will replace already existing forward muon-tracking detectors, which won't be able to cope with the high background rate during Run-3. The production site at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems should produce and test 64 two-sided readout panels for the outer part of the NSW Large Sectors. The area of each panel is about 3 m2. Being assembled with the drift panels produced at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, these panels will be used to produce 32 Micromegas quadruplets, which should be tested and shipped to CERN. This work also will be done at JINR.
Mass production at the DLNP site should start in July 2017. The schedule is very tight: all Micromegas chambers should be produced during 22 months. The chambers are expected to be installed in the ATLAS cavern in 2019.
Zinovi Vladimirovich KRUMSHTEIN29.03.1942 – 23.02.2017
Zinovi Vladimirovich Krumshtein, head of the Methodological Research Sector, Division of Elementary Particle Physics, DLNP, died on 23 February 2017.
Dear friends, we remind that deadline of the registration for Baikal School is 7th June.
We would like to thank RFBR (, "Traektoriya" (, Irkutsk State University ( and JINR ( for their support of the School.
Сегодня ушел из жизни талантливый физик-теоретик, педагог, Учитель - профессор кафедры теоретической физики Иркутского Государственного Университета Александр Николаевич Валл. Александр Николаевич всегда был окружен молодежью, учениками и друзьями. Александр Николаевич прожил яркую жизнь, любил жизнь и был любим окружающими его людьми. Он был светлым и добрым человеком и для многих стал ориентиром в жизни, на который ровнялись, к которому стремились.
Научный стиль Александра Николаевича отличали ясность и простота, которая появляется только при настоящем понимании научного вопроса. Он никогда не боялся изучать новое в науке и до самой смерти оставался молодым в душе человеком.
У нас в ОИЯИ к проф. Валлу особое теплое отношение, поскольку нас связывало многолетнее сотрудничество в результате которого, целая плеяда талантливых иркутских студентов нашла свое место в ОИЯИ и успешно трудится в лабораториях института.
Нам будет очень не хватать мудрости Александра Николаевича. Искренние соболезнования родным и близким. Он навсегда останется в наших сердцах.