Nguyen Vu Minh Trung (Vietnam) "Transport line design for cyclotron intended for nuclear physics"
Превью семинара по проблемам ускорителей заряженных частиц "Transport line design for cyclotron intended for nuclear physics" N.V.M. Trung, V. L. Smirnov, L.H. Khiem.
IBA Cyclone 30 is installed in 108 Central hospital – Hanoi. The main facility is producing isotopes for medical applications. An idea about creation of a new beam transport line intended for using the cyclotron for nuclear physics research is discussed. This study presents the initial conceptual design of the transport line. The results of magnetic fields calculation of optical elements are given. Two different structures of the line, based on using achromatic system, are presented. The analysis was made with using matrix codes.