“Chronograph. Time’s Witnesses. Gennady Ivanovich Lykasov”
Gennady Ivanovich graduated from the Faculty of Physics at the Saratov University (Department of Theoretical Physics). The supervisor of his diploma thesis was L. I. Lapidus. In February 1974, after defending his candidate dissertation, G. I. Lykasov was employed at DLNP. In March 1991, he defended his doctoral dissertation. In 2009―2018, he headed the DLNP Sector of Elementary Particles. Gennady Ivanovich was awarded his professor title in 2008.
Gennady Ivanovich is a theoretical physicist. His scientific interests concern strong and electromagnetic interactions of elementary particles. For the last five years, he provided theoretical support to CERN experiments of the ATLAS programme, in particular on searching for the contribution of new quark components in the proton structure.
G. I. Lykasov cooperated with experimental groups of G. A. Leksin (ITEP), V. V. Glagolev (VBLHEP), A. I. Malachov (VBLHEP), worked together with Yu. A. Budagov, B. M. Golovin and Yu. M. Kazarinov (LNP). Since 1990s, he also dealt with neutrino interactions.
Gennady Ivanovich was an official supervisor of five postgraduates who successfully defended their candidate dissertations. G. I. Lykasov has been working at the LNP for 48 years. He authored and coauthored above 180 papers.
Filmed by Anastasia Malyshkina