19th JINR-ISU Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics
We are pleased to announce the 19th JINR-ISU Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics, which will take place from July 12 to 19, 2019, in the picturesque village Bol'shie Koty (Big Cats) on the shore of Lake Baikal. We invite master and PhD students as well as early-career PhDs (postdocs) to attend the School. Exceptionally motivated undergraduates are also welcome. The working language of the school is English.
The School offers a unique experience of full scientific immersion "Siberian style":
• a week of lectures given by invited experts in experimental and theoretical HEP and astroparticle physics,
• plenty of time for questions and informal discussions with lecturers,
• intensive study sessions in small groups,
• an opportunity to present a talk or poster of own work,
• friendly atmosphere, new contacts and friends,
• and finally the stunning views of the lake Baikal and Siberian Taiga.
The School offers a unique experience of full scientific immersion "Siberian style":
• a week of lectures given by invited experts in experimental and theoretical HEP and astroparticle physics,
• plenty of time for questions and informal discussions with lecturers,
• intensive study sessions in small groups,
• an opportunity to present a talk or poster of own work,
• friendly atmosphere, new contacts and friends,
• and finally the stunning views of the lake Baikal and Siberian Taiga.

The school fee is 350 Euros (26 000 rub) for students and PhD students and 450 Euros (33 000 rub) for others participants. The fee covers accommodation in Bolshie Koty, all meals, boat transportation from Irkutsk, welcome party and closing dinner, coffee breaks, and the excursion. The fee is to be paid in cash only.
There is a limited possibility of a reduced fee. Please indicate during your registration if you are asking for the reduced fee.Please, find more details at https://indico.jinr.ru/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=716
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