Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Overleaf’s Group Professional License

300px Overleaf and ShareLaTeX logosWe are delighted to announce that the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems has subscribed to Overleaf's Group Professional licenses. Overleaf’s premium accounts will enable our researchers to collaborate with internal and external institutions on a wide variety of documents, easily synchronize with Dropbox & GitHub, all whilst keeping their documents and versions well organized. 

“Over the last several years, the JINR researchers frequently used Overleaf under individual licenses and were greatly impressed by the tool. From now on, they are enjoying the professional Overleaf licenses significantly boosting their collaboration opportunities.”

Dmitry Naumov
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
Deputy Director for Science of DLNP, JINR

Overleaf (originally WriteLaTeX and afterwards, till September 2018, ShareLaTeX) is a web LaTeX editor with the WYSIWYM paradigm (What You See Is What You Mean). This tool enables several users to simultaneously edit the same document and to follow corrections of other collaborators in real time. The program provides almost all LaTeX packages, including creating graphics with the tikz environment, BibTeX bibliography, equations etc. LaTeX files are stored on Overleaf. These files can be downloaded to a local computer if needed. A document can also be converted into a PDF-file to print it out. 

“Why did we create Overleaf? To address problems that we experienced ourselves when writing papers collaboratively, and by doing so, make the power of LaTeX accessible to all scientists and technical writers, at all stages of their career.”

John Hammersley and John Lees-Miller

Please send your requests to Valeria Kozhevnikova at stating your full name, department and e-mail.