GEEK PICNIC Online is the First Online Project of the Most Famous Science and Technology Festival
“The GEEK PICNIC experience was sometimes compared with diving into another Universe. And we wondered what this “other Universe” is like? Let’s find it out within the first GEEK PICNIC Online edition!”
In this way, the organizers of the annual festival of achievements in science and technology invite their guests to the virtual platform of the anniversary event. This year, JINR joined in the festival as a partner for the second time.
In the special virtual room of JINR, guests can walk round one of its laboratories, get to know or learn more about a mysterious and elusive ghost particle (neutrino) which saved the low of conservation of energy and momentum, discover progress made in order to disentangle the information paradox related to information loss in black holes, as well as attend a workshop and spot some compelling innovations in electronics, including those for the NICA accelerator complex.
Please visit the online edition of the festival on June 27, 2020: