First JINR Prize 2019 for “Experimental Research Work” Awarded to the Scientists from the DANSS Group
At the 127th session of the JINR Scientific Council, annual JINR Prizes were awarded for the best scientific, methodological and technological applied research projects in 2019. Within the category “Experimental Research Work”, the DLNP scientists from the DANSS group received the First Prize for “Measurements of reactor antineutrino energy spectra in the DANSS project”. The members of the DANSS group are V.V. Belov, V.B. Brudanin, I.V. Zhitnikov, S.V. Kazartsev, A.S. Kuznetsov, D.V. Medvedev, M.V. Fomina, Ye.A. Shevchik, M.V. Shirchenko, Yu.A. Shitov.
The JINR Prizes are awarded for outstanding advanced experimental, methodological and applied research carried out in accordance with the JINR Topical Plan and completed in the current year. Every year, the Jury of 11 people, including the secretary, is appointed by the JINR Directorate to judge the candidate research projects. This body comprises some representatives from the JINR Directorate, as well as leading scientists. The decision about awarding goes into effect after the approving procedure by the JINR Scientific Council within its Winter Session.
The DANSS neutrino experiment monitors nuclear reactor parameters and searches for sterile neutrinos using the precision analysis of the ratio of the reactor neutrino spectra measured at different distances from the reactor core.
We heartily congratulate our colleagues on receiving this Prize and wish them all the best and new heights of success!
In the photo (left to right): Mark Shirchenko, Maria Fomina, Yuri Shitov, Vyacheslav Belov, Aleksey Kuznetsov, Igor Zhitnikov, Viktor Brudanin, Dmitry Medvedev, Sergey Kazartsev, Yegor Shevchik.