General Laboratory Seminar by V.S. Kurbatov, 12 September 2018
Vladimir Sergeevich Kurbatov speaks about his general laboratory seminar held at DLNP, where he reported the results of measuring differential cross sections for the reaction pp → {pp}sπ0, where {pp}s is the 1S0 state of two protons (diproton) with the excitation energy Epp<3 MeV. The measurements were performed at the ANKE facility of the COSY accelerator (Jülich, Germany) at 12 proton beam energies in the interval of 0.8 to 2.8 GeV. The angular range of the diproton in the centre-of-mass system was 0◦ < θpp ≤? 18◦, where θpp is the diproton angle.
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