Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

The 60th session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics closed

The 60th session of the Programme Advisory Committee was held in the House of International Meetings on 23–24 January 2025.

Bair Shaibonov, a senior researcher of the DLNP Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry, presented a report “Baikal-GVD Deep-Underwater Neutrino Telescope: status and results”.

Aleksei Trifonov, a researcher of the DLNP Department of Research and Innovation, delivered a report “Linear electron accelerator LINAC-200 as a core for a new test beam facility at DLNP JINR”. 

The head of the Sector of Reactor Neutrinos of the Department of Particle Physics Maksim Gonchar talked about the status and prospects of the JUNO experiment.

We wish our colleagues successful fulfillment of the objectives set within the project! 

For reference purposes:

The aim of the Baikal-GVD project is creation of a gigaton neutrino telescope for research in the area of multi-messenger astronomy, study of fundamental features of the most energetic cosmic neutrinos, indirect search for galactic dark matter, and applied research.

The telescope is being constructed by the international collaboration and is aimed at detecting and studying high-energy neutrino fluxes of astrophysical origin.

Baikal-GVD is one of three operating neutrino telescopes in the world, and, along with IceCube at the South Pole and KM3Net in the Mediterranean sea, it is included in the Global Neutrino Network (GNN). 

The LINAC-200 linear accelerator (the first stage of the LINAC-800 facility) at the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR is a facility designed to provide electron test beams to carry out particle detectors R&D; for scientific and methodological work on the search for advanced methods and the creation of equipment for electron beam diagnostics; for applied research in the field of materials science, radiobiology and radiochemistry; for conducting experiments in the field of nuclear physics; and for educational projects.

The basis of the facility is a reconstructed MEA accelerator given to JINR by the National Institute for Subatomic Physics (NIKHEF, Holland). The key subsystems of the accelerator were redesigned or significantly upgraded.

The main aim of the JUNO experiment is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. Owing to huge size of liquid-scintillator detector and high accuracy of energy measurement, experiment offers great opportunities for scientific research: from precision measurements of the mixing parameters of the Standard model lepton sector, geoneutrino detection, and observation of neutrino from supernovae to search for new physics, including the proton decay.

Photos by I. Lapenko