Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

The 25th workshop of the JUNO Collaboration held in China

The 25th workshop of the JUNO Collaboration was held in Kaiping (Guangdong Province, China) on 13–17 January 2025.

The experiment commissioning issues were discussed at the meeting: six-month procedure of filling the central detector with liquid scintillator, putting photomultipliers into operation, interpretation of electronics and detector response, and analysis of the first data. The target and working substance – liquid scintillator – will start to fill the central detector in February 2025. The process of filling the central detector is planned to have been completed by the next collaboration meeting in July 2025. The preliminary plan of processing physical data obtained during the filling has been worked out. 

The main aim of the JUNO experiment is to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy. Owing to huge size of liquid-scintillator detector and high accuracy of energy measurement, experiment offers great opportunities for scientific research: from precision measurements of the mixing parameters of the Standard model lepton sector, geoneutrino detection, and observation of neutrino from supernovae to search for new physics, including the proton decay.

Staff members of our laboratory have been actively participating in this project since its very foundation. Nine of our colleagues represented JINR at the 25th collaboration meeting.