“The Artist and the Town”. Personal Exhibition of Yu. I. Sosin at the Museum of Dubna
Last week, the personal exhibition of Yuri Ivanovich Sosin (1930 – 2015) “The Artist and the Town” was opened at the Museum of Dubna. Yuri Ivanovich was an Honoured Worker of Culture of the RF, member of the Artists’ Union of Russia, honourary member of the Russian Academy of Arts, holder of the Honourary Badge “For Merit to Dubna” and of the Public Order “Honourary Citizen of Russia”.

Pieces of art from collections of the Museum of Dubna and Municipal Library of the Levoberezhye District are displayed, as well as those from the personal collection of the artist’s daughter. Two paintings of the artist which usually adorn the conference hall of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, the portraits of V. P. Dzhelepov and B. M. Pontecorvo, are exhibited as well.
The exhibition will be open till 24 January 2022.