Participants in the JEMS International Training Programme for Decision-Makers in Science Visited our Laboratory
Today, on 12 November 2021, the participants of the International Training Programme for Decision-Makers “JINR Expertise for the Member States and Partner Countries” visited our Laboratory. This time, heads and specialists from research and education institutions of Bulgaria and Serbia came to attend the training programme.⠀

The visit of the Bulgarian delegation to JINR is one of the events of the Year of Bulgaria declared at our Institute in 2021. It is aimed at the preparation for the upcoming session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the JINR Member States which is to be held in Bulgaria.
The Serbian delegation is interested in the accelerated implementation of the Cooperation Road Map and in the substantial extension of the involvement of Serbia in JINR activities.
Nikolay Anfimov gave a lecture to the JEMS attendees about the JINR history, DLNP research directions and JINR Neutrino Programme. Then, the guests visited the DLNP Laboratory of Photodetector Testing and the Remote Operation Center of the NOvA neutrino experiment. The tour was completed in the Alpha Hall where Rastislav Dvornicki talked about the Baikal-GVD project. The JEMS participants watched the assembly of optical modules for the Baikal Neutrino Telescope.
Photo by Irina Sidorova