Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

September Issue of GNN Monthly: News from the World of Large Neutrino Telescopes

You can learn from the September issue of the News from Large Neutrino Telescopes about the deployment of the KM3NeT telescope in the Mediterranean Sea (account is accompanied by colourful photographs), about upgrade plans of the IceCube observatory and about other events in which the Global Neutrino Network (GNN) collaborations took part. You can also read the summary of publications about studies performed in the field of multimessenger astronomy.

The current issue of the GNN news

Christian Spiering (DESY, Germany), Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, closely follows advances in the scientific life of researchers and shares news from the GNN participants in his monthly bulletin “GNN Monthly”. We believe that our readers will find their interest in what is going on in the world of large neutrino telescopes at present. That is why we start a new column “News from Large Neutrino Telescopes” where we are going to tell you about the most remarkable moments in the work of people who shape future science already today.

Photo by Bair Shaybonov