Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Congratulations to K. N. Shipulin and G. V. Mitsyn on Receiving a Certificate of State Registration of the Software Program “RayTreat Program for Modelling of Proton Irradiation in Heterogeneous Tissues”!

The JINR Department of Licenses and Intellectual Property announces that on 5 July 2021, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research got a Certificate of State Registration of the software program “RayTreat program for modelling of proton irradiation in heterogeneous tissues” authored by Konstantin Nikolaevich Shipulin and Gennady Valentinovich Mitsyn.


The program is designed for calculation of dose distribution (DD) in heterogeneous media like human tissues. The algorithm of a planning program (PP) comprises uploading of initial data from tomography examinations and their visualization; graphics editor for drawing and editing a target and critical structures; selection and adjustment of beam parameters needed for conformal dose field formation; calculation of individual devices of dose field formation (boluses, shaped collimators); calculation of DD in heterogeneous media via the narrow pencil-like beam method (NPB); calculated DD display; calculation of a digital reconstructed radiogram to verify the patient position during radiotherapy. To calculate the dose distribution in the RayTreat planning program, the NPB method is employed. The method consists in using the Gaussian model to describe the NPB proton transport. So, a bright proton beam restricted by the collimator aperture is divided into a variety of infinitely thin beams with a pitch equal to the size of the calculated DD matrix (usually 1 mm).

The rout of each beam is computed individually till the complete stop of particles. Dose values from each NPB are computed and filled in using a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution. This integral comes down to a generalized Laplace integral calculated beforehand and loaded into a digital file for further use in the PP.

The result of calculation according to this algorithm is a three-dimensional DD matrix, 100% normalized at the target isocentre point. Using these matrix values, a colour gradient map of a dose field is constructed and displayed on the PC monitor. The dose field can also be presented as isolines. To optimize the treatment plan completely, a dose/volume histogram is calculated. It can help to estimate the dose which some volume of the target or critical structure will get. This allows quantitatively comparing different radiation options.

Computer type: IBM PC compatible computer based on the Intel and AMD processors. Operating system: Windows 7 and follow-ups.