A Series of Seminars to Commemorate Tsvetan Vylov Will Be Held at DLNP
In 2021, Tsvetan Vylov (13.07.1941—13.12.2009) would have celebrated his 80th birthday. He is a prominent Bulgarian physicist who contributed a lot to establishing the spectroscopy “school” at JINR and who, among others, initiated the experimental DLNP neutrino programme as we know it today. To celebrate his 80th birthday, a series of seminars will be organized at the Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry which he headed in 1984−1988. The first talk will be given by A. Kh. Inoyatov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, who had been working under the guidance of Tsvetan Vylov for a long time.
Seminar on Low-Energy and Nuclear Structure Physics
Subject Matter: Low-Energy Nuclear Electron Spectroscopy at the DLNP Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry
Speaker: Anvar Khidoyatovich Inoyatov
1 July 2021, 10.30
The talk is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Tsvetan Vylov, the founder of experimental methods in neutrino physics, including low-energy nuclear electron spectroscopy at the DLNP Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry. The reasons behind the creation of the instrumental and methodological basis to study the spectra of low-energy electrons with high resolution (~10-4 at Ee ~ 20 keV) will be given during this talk. The experimental results will be presented that are related to the study of neutrino properties (search for heavy neutrinos, development of electron reference lines for the KATRIN neutrino project) and the nature of excited states of atoms. The planned research at the ESA-50 spectrometer is described.
The seminar will be held online, on 1 July 2021, at 10.30.
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The conference ID: 889 0202 3270
Passcode: 743224