Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Minister of Science and Higher Education of the RF Valery Falkov Visited the Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope BAIKAL-GVD

Today, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) was signed to develop the BAIKAL-GVD Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope. 
Трубников и Фальков за ледяным столомGrigory Trubnikov and Valery Falkov are signing the Memorandum | Credits: Bair Shaybonov, DLNP Директор ОИЯИ Григорий Трубников и Валерий ФальковGrigory Trubnikov and Valery Falkov | Credits: Bair Shaybonov, DLNP

The Ministry and JINR confirmed with this document the significance of concerted efforts in supporting the existing large physics experimental facilities and in designing new ones. The Memorandum envisages a comprehensive assistance of both Parties to implementation of the “Baikal Deep Underwater Neutrino Telescope” project, increase in effective volume of the BAIKAL-GVD telescope up to a cubic kilometre and its development, including international research.

Белолаптиков показывает модульIgor Belolaptikov is demonstrating an optical module | Credits: Bair Shaybonov, DLNP

У майныAt the maina | Credits: Bair Shaybonov, DLNP

Experimental research in neutrino high-energy astrophysics, neutrino astronomy and neutrino physics are also subjects of the document, as well as the importance of reinforcing international cooperation in science and technology.

Today, the BAIKAL-GVD facility was ceremoniously launched by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation V. N. Falkov together with the JINR Director, Academician of RAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics G. V. Trubnikov, the Director of INR RAS, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics M. V. Libanov and the Rector of ISU A. F. Schmidt.

Фальков нажимает кнопкуValery Falkov is pressing the button to launch the neutrino telescope | Credits: Bair Shaybonov, DLNP

“The deep underwater neutrino telescope, the largest in the Northern Hemisphere, will also attract gifted scientists from all over the world. This tool will provide us with new scientific knowledge during the next two or three decades. This means that young specialists from the Irkutsk Region and other places will have the opportunity to participate in scientific research and advanced engineering and technology projects, to make discoveries and to gain expertise enhancing science and technology in our country,” remarked the Head of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the RF Valery Falkov.

Общая фотографияCollective photo of expedition members and their guests | Credits: Bair Shaybonov, DLNP

The BAIKAL-GVD collaborators are the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk State University and Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. The project participants are Czech Technical University in Prague (the Czech Republic), the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia), EvoLogics GmbH (Germany) and the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland).

For more information:

To find out more about the BAIKAL-GVD project: BAIKAL-GVD. Охотники за нейтрино

Байкальская экспедиция 2021