Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

“Deep Appreciation of School Permanently Dwells Inside My Heart”

“My personality was formed both in Soligalich, where I got my primary and secondary education, and in Leningrad, where I had been working at plants for two and a half years and graduated from the institute in 1937.”

Venedikt Petrovich Dzhelepov was born in Moscow where his parents got their education. His mother, Nadezhda Ignatievna Dzhelepova (Ivanova), attended medical assistance courses, and his father, Petr Fedorovich Dzhelepov, studied at the Higher Commercial School. Several years later, Nadezhda Ignatievna with her son returned to her birthplace, Soligalich. In 1963, the local lore specialist A. Ivanov wrote in the local newspaper “Znamya Ilyicha”, “At the end of 1917, when his father was mobilized to the Red Army, the future scientist, along with his mother, went to Soligalich to his grandmother Ekaterina Pavlovna Ivanova.” The fate of Petr Fedorovich is still unknown.

In Soligalich, V. Dzhelepov was enrolled in the local seven-year school. “My first teacher was Olga Andreevna Krutikova. In addition to regular lessons, she took us on guided and walking tours cultivating our love for nature. She read aloud fascinating stories for children by Turgenev and Chekhov. In the second grade, my teacher was Ivan Nikolaevich Ardentov. It was his lessons that gave me basics of grammatical correctness and the interest in mathematics. When I came to this seven-year school, our class was one of the best…
The teachers of the main school subjects L. M. Belorussov, S. M. Antifeeva and K. I. Stepanov − the people with deep knowledge and vast scholarship, infinite love for teaching and enthusiasm – fostered our irresistible desire for knowing, acquiring, understanding more and more. Deep knowledge was also gained in after-school-activity groups, those of literature, mathematics and physics. Mathematics came to me easily, and I liked most the lessons within this group. ˂…> Stable foundation provided by the school facilitated our study at institutions of higher education. Most of us studied well and helped our fellow students acquire a wealth of new material. Deep appreciation of the school, my teachers permanently dwells inside my heart.”

We wrote to the Soligalich comprehensive secondary school, the school where Venedikt Petrovich studied once, and asked to share with us archive materials concerning their ex-student. The school keeps memories about outstanding graduates, does not forget their anniversaries. Thus, five years ago, the school museum initiated the exhibition to honour the 105th anniversary of the birthday of V. P. Dzhelepov. Svetlana Nikolaevna Kostrova, the head of the Information and Library Centre, got in touch with us. She sent us copies of documents related to the school time of V. P. Dzhelepov from the archive of the Soligalich historian and local lore specialist Vladimir Sergeevich Kostrov.

We thank Svetlana Nikolaevna and the Soligalich school for their assistance in preparing the materials to the anniversary of the scientist!

 School teacher L. M. Belorussov visited his student at LNP of JINR. 1959 | From the archives of the Soligalich Museum of Local Lore named after G. I. Nevelsky

 School teachers of V. P. Dzhelepov: I. N. Ardentov and L. M. Belorussov. 1972 | From the archives of the Soligalich Museum of Local Lore named after G. I. Nevelsky

The article in the newspaper “Soligalichskiye Vesti” celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Soligalich secondary school

Certificate of graduation from the nine-year school 

Certificate of the right to teach

Certificate of graduation from the seven-year school

Reverse side of the Certificate of the right to teach given to school graduates (with a list of students)