Объединенный институт ядерных исследований

The Competition Announced for the Moscow Region Governor’s Prizes in Science, Technologies and Innovations for Commercialization of Scientific and (or) Scientific and Technological Results in 2020

The Moscow Region Government will award 10 Prizes of 1 million rubles each for achievements in commercialization of research and development in 2020. Citizens or a group of citizens of the Russian Federation, no more than 10 people, active in scientific and (or) scientific and technological fields can be nominated for the Governor's Prize. They should work at institutions registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and operating in the Moscow region or in separate divisions of institutions registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and operating in the Moscow region, or in organizations subordinate to the executive authorities of the Moscow region.

The achievements of the applicants for the Prize must correspond to the Moscow Region priority directions in the development of science and technology stated by order of the Moscow Region Government No. 446-RP dated 26 December 2016 "On the Moscow region priority directions for the development of science and technology". The achievements must also demonstrate novelty, be obtained in a period not exceeding five years prior to the year of the applicant nomination for the Prize, and documented.

Documents required to participate in the Competition:

· An application form
· A CV form about the applicant achievements
· A consent form to personal data processing.

The list of documents required for participation in the Competition is provided in accordance with order of the Ministry dated 28 September 2020 No. 27-N “On the Regulations of the competitive selection and evaluation of applications for the annual Moscow Region Governor’s Prizes in Science, Technologies and Innovations for Commercialization of Scientific and (or) Scientific and Technological Results”.

Both copies of the application (paper and electronic) in accordance with the list of documents which should be submitted by the Competition applicant, should be put into an envelope with the applicant’s full name and the institution name with a note: “For the Competition for the 2020 Moscow Region Governor's Prize in Science, Technology and Innovations for the Commercialization of Scientific and (or) Scientific and Technological Results. "

Documents can be submitted at the address: Moscow region, Krasnogorsk, Stroiteley Blvd 4, Building 1, Section "G", Office 403 (Business Centre "Kubik"). You should order your pass for entering the BC "Kubik" in advance a day before your visit till 17:00. To enter the building, you need your passport.

The documents can be submitted from 9:00 am on 01 October 2020 to 4:00 pm on 30 October 2020. Consultations on participation in the competitive selection are provided via e-mail or phone:

- Aleksey Yurievich Eroshok: eroshokAY@mosreg.ru, 8 (498) 602-05-86;

- Natalia Viktorovna Vdovina: vdovinanv@mosreg.ru, 8 (498) 602-06-04 (add. 5-42-02).

 The source: https://mii.mosreg.ru/sobytiya/novosti-ministerstva/01-10-2020-19-51-10-startoval-konkurs-na-poluchenie-premiy-gubernatora