Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems has been a structural subdivision of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research since 26 March 1956 when JINR was established by the Agreement of the government representatives of the Member States.

The main research areas at DLNP involve particle and nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, particle acceleration, experimental techniques, and also applied and biomedical research.

The founding day of DLNP is considered to be the day of launching the synchrocyclotron – the first accelerator in the USSR – on 14 December 1949.

DLNP Administration

Guskov Alexey Vyacheslavovich
Deputy Director for Science of DLNP
Naumov Dmitry Vadimovich
Deputy Director of DLNP
Kulkov Andrei Andreyevich
Deputy Director for General Issues of DLNP
Simonenko Irina Viktorovna
Scientific Secretary of DLNP
Yakovenko Sergey Leonidovich
Chief Engineer of DLNP
Baimukhanova Ayagoz
Assistand Director of DLNP for International Cooperation, Innovation and Education Programmes
Станкус Алексей Сергеевич
заместитель главного инженера

Our laboratory originated new scientific directions

  • Research in the area of the muon-catalyzed fusion.
  • Research into the dynamics of particle and nucleus transformations, and rare decays of pions and kaons.
  • Neutrino physics and physics of electroweak interactions.
  • Nuclear spectroscopy.
  • Creation of polarized proton and deuterium targets with a high degree of polarization.
  • High-energy protons were used for treating malignant tumours for the first time in the USSR.
  • Proton and neutron beams with energies of hundreds of MeV were produced for the first time for biophysical and radiobiological investigations in space medicine.
  • The opportunity was considered to use high-current isochronal cyclotrons for controlling subcritical assemblies and creating on this basis safe nuclear power engineering and facilities for transmutation of nuclear wastes.


International Intergovermental Organization Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
6 Jolio-Curie St., Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, 141980
Reception office:
7 (49621) 6-21-21 (reception office)
7 (49621) 6-66-66 (fax)
Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00
Lunch: 13:00-14:00