Yuri Andreevich Usov
- Has been working at DLNP, JINR, since 1973 after graduation from the Leningrad
Refrigeration Institute
as a qualified specialist in cryogenic engineering and deep freezing.
- Scientific activities are closely related to physical and methodological research on producing
ultralow temperatures to be used in physics experiments.
- A winner of two first and several second prizes of the JINR Competition of Scientific Council.
- Worked his way from a trainee to the head of the DLNP Sector of Low Temperatures,
holding positions of an engineer, senior engineer, researcher, group leader, and deputy head of
the Hadron Physics Department.
- In 1973–1975, took an active part in development of the world’s first frozen polarized
- In 1977, nominated by the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists for the Prize of
the Central Committee
of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.
- In 1993 and 1995, an international team of specialists from various institutes of Russia,
Ukraine, and France under his leadership received INTAS grants for upgrading the MPT setup (previously
used at Fermilab)
and launching it for experiments Accelerator complex of the JINR.
- In 2000, successfully defended the dissertation for the degree of the Candidate of
Engineering Sciences.
- Author and coauthor of over 150 papers.
Sector of Low Temperatures headed by Yuri Andreevich
- The cryostat was developed and constructed for a new polarized target of the Institute of
Nuclear Physics in Mainz.
- In 2020, SLT specialists got engaged in development of a polarimeter for the polarized
electron beam of MESA,
a new superconducting accelerator at the University of Mainz.
- Several innovative projects, including a polarized-gas tomograph, were prepared.
With active participation of Yuri Andreevich
- a 60-cm³ frozen polarized proton target developed at JINR was successfully put into operation
at IHEP in 1978.
Now it has been upgraded for a new SPASCHARM project;
- a system for temperature measurements in cryostats of the ATLAS facility (liquid-argon
calorimeter) was developed,
and precision calibration of more than 700 platinum thermometers was successfully performed (under
the JINR—CERN contract).
At present
- preparation for new polarization research at the VdG accelerator is underway at Charles University
in Prague;
- investigations with polarized targets and beams in Protvino, Mainz, and Prague are united into
the GDH&SPASCHARM&NN priority project (theme 03-2-1126-2010/2021) (Yu. A. Usov is one of the leaders);
- development of the cryostat for a new polarized target at the University of Bonn (ELSA
accelerator) is coming to and end.