Объединенный институт ядерных исследований

On the procedure for conferring the academic degrees at JINR



logo ds ruOn 1 September 2019 JINR instituted and launched the Dissertation Councils authorized to independently confer academic degrees.

In accordance with the federal laws of the host state of JINR (the Russian Federation): of 23 August 1996 No.127-FZ "On Science and the State Science and Technology Policy", of 23 May 23 2016 No.148-FZ, "On Amendments to Article 4 of the Federal Law "On Science and State Science and Technology Policy", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23 August 2017 No.1792-r, "On the List of Scientific Organizations and Educational Institutions of Higher Education Which are Granted the Rights Stipulated in Paragraphs 2-4 of Item 3.1 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of 23 August 1996 No.127-FZ", JINR is authorized:

• to establish JINR-based councils for conferring the academic degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science (hereinafter referred to as the Dissertation Councils); to appoint and change memberships in these councils, to stipulate the authority of these councils; to determine the lists of scientific specialties by which these councils are granted the right to accept dissertations for defense; to monitor, suspend, renew and terminate the activities of these councils;

• to set the procedure for conferring the academic degrees including the requirements for dissertations, the procedures for dissertation submission and defense, the procedures for withholding, revoking and restoring the academic degrees, and for claim processing;

• to approve regulations on the Dissertation Councils for the defense of academic degrees of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science, the forms of academic degree diplomas, the technical requirements for such documents and the procedure for their processing and issuance.
