Объединенный институт ядерных исследований

Review of the DLNP Seminar on February 12, 2020 by Alina Vishnyeva “New Results of the Search for Rare Events in the Borexino experiment”

The Borexino liquid scintillator detector, originally designed for solar neutrino study, is also a sensitive instrument in searching for rare events in the energy range of about 1 MeV. The recent results include the search for nonstandard neutrino interactions, as well as limits on diffuse neutrino fluxes from Supernovae, solar flare neutrinos and solar antineutrinos, expected as a combined effect of spin-flavour neutrino precession in the magnetic field of the Sun and neutrino oscillations.

The best limit on the solar flare neutrino fluence in the energy range below 3 MeV was obtained and the first experimental limit on the diffuse neutrino flux from Supernovae in the range from 1.8 to 8 MeV was defined. The limits on parameters of nonstandard neutrino interactions and the solar antineutrino flux are comparable to the results of other experiments.